
Module 1:- Introduction and First Program

In this module you will learn about guide to C++ programming, you will be introduced to everything from C++applications to running your first C++ program

  • Introduction of c++
  • First C++ Program



Module 2:- Language Features

In this module you will learn about Learn what are variables in C++ and how they are declared and initialized and C++ program for function overloading and operator overloading

  • How C++ differs from C
  • Variables Declaration
  • Function overloading
  • Optional Parameters
  • Reference Variables
  • Operator overloading
  • Basics of Console Input and Output
  • Constant Pointers
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation



Module 3:- OOPs Concepts

In this module you will learn about Object Oriented programming is a programming style that is associated with the concept of Class, Objects and various other concepts revolving around these two, like Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction, and Encapsulation etc.

  • Overview of OOPs Principles
  • Introduction to classes & objects
  • Creation & destruction of objects
  • Data Members
  • Member Functions
  • this Pointer
  • Constructor &Destructor
  • Static class member
  • Friend class and functions
  • Namespace



Module 4: -- Inheritance

In this module you will learn about Inheritance is one of the core feature of an object-oriented programming language. It allows software developers to derive a new class from the existing class. The derived class inherits the features of the base class (existing class).

  • Introduction and benefits.
  • Access Specifier.
  • Base and Derived class Constructors
  • Types of Inheritance.
  • Down casting and up casting.
  • Function overriding.
  • Virtual functions.
  • Destructor overriding.



Module 5:- Polymorphism

In this module you will learn about one of the key features of class inheritance is that a pointer to a derived class is type-compatible with a pointer to its base class.

  • What is Polymorphism
  • Pure virtual functions
  • Virtual Base Class



Module 6:- I/O Streams

In this module you will learn about very basic and most common I/O operations required for C++ programming. C++ I/O occurs in streams, which are sequences of bytes. What is a stream?

  • C++ Class Hierarchy
  • File Stream
  • Text File Handling
  • Binary File Handling
  • Error handling during file operations
  • Overloading << and >> operators



Module 7:- Exception Handling

In this module you will learn about one of the advantages of C++ over C is Exception Handling. C++ provides following specialized keywords for this purpose. Try: represents a block of code that can throw an exception. Catch: represents a block of code that is executed when a particular exception is thrown.

  • Introduction to Exception.
  • Benefits of Exception handling.
  • Try and catch block.
  • Throw statement.
  • Pre-defined exceptions in C++.
  • Writing custom Exception class.
  • Stack Unwinding.



Module 8:-- Templates

In this module you will learn about you'll learn about templates in C++. You'll learn to use the power of templates for generic programming.

  • Introduction
  • Function Templates
  • Class Templates



*Real-time Project involving most of the above concepts with following will be provided



At the end of the course participants will be able to:

  • Variables / types of variables
  • Input / output streams and validation of data
  • Operators - arithmetic, assignment, logical, bitwise
  • Conditions like if / else / switch
  • Arrays / multi-dimensional arrays
  • Loops - for / while / do-while
  • Functions, overloading functions, passing variables to functions etc.
  • Structures
  • References
  • Pointers
  • Dynamic allocation of memory
  • Creating project in IDE
  • Classes
  • Object oriented programming
  • Class and function templates
  • Namespaces
  • Exceptions


 ⦁ Algorithm Specifications: Performance Analysis and Measurement

(Time and space analysis of algorithms- Average, best and worst-case analysis).


2 Introduction to Data Structure:

⦁            Data Management concepts,

⦁            Data types – primitive and non-primitive,

⦁            Types of Data Structures- Linear & Non-Linear Data Structures.


3 Linear Data Structure

⦁            Array: Representation of arrays, Applications of arrays, sparse matrix and its representation.,

⦁            Stack: Stack-Definitions & Concepts, Operations on Stacks, Applications of Stacks, Polish Expression, Reverse            Polish Expression and Their Compilation, Recursion, Tower of Hanoi,

⦁            Queue: Representation of Queue, Operations on Queue, Circular Queue, Priority Queue, Array representation of Priority Queue, Double Ended Queue, Applications of Queue,

⦁            Linked List: Singly Linked List, Doubly Linked list, Circular linked list, linked implementation of Stack, linked implementation of Queue, Applications of linked



4 Nonlinear Data Structure:

⦁            Tree-Definitions and Concepts, Representation of binary tree, Binary tree traversal (In order, post order, pre-order)

⦁            Threaded binary tree,

⦁            Binary search trees,

⦁            Conversion of General Trees to Binary Trees,

⦁            Applications Of Trees- Some balanced tree mechanism, eg. AVL trees, 2-3 trees, Height Balanced, Weight Balance,

⦁            Graph-Matrix Representation of Graphs, Elementary Graph operations, (Breadth First Search, Depth First Search, Spanning Trees, Shortest path, Minimal spanning tree).



⦁            Insertion Sort,

⦁            Quick Sort,

⦁            Merge Sort,

⦁            Heap Sort,

⦁            Sorting On Several Keys,

⦁            List and Table Sort

JavaScript Course Syllabus


⦁            Introduction

⦁            What is JavaScript?

⦁            JavaScript Features

⦁            JavaScript Libraries

⦁            understanding html,css,javascript

⦁            JavaScript Version

⦁            ES5

⦁            ES6/ES2015

⦁            ES7/ES2016

⦁            ES8/ES2017

⦁            Data Types

⦁            Number

⦁            String

⦁            Boolean

⦁            Undefined

⦁            Null

⦁            Variable Mutation

⦁            Basic Operator

⦁            Operator Precedence

⦁            Shorthand operator

⦁            Problem statement

⦁            Decision making statement-if else

⦁            if else - example

⦁            Comparing the problem statement solution

⦁            Switch statement - example

⦁            Boolean logic

⦁            Boolean logic example

⦁            Ternary operator

⦁            Ternary operator example

⦁            Tips

⦁            Functions

⦁            Function statement

⦁            Function Statement Example

⦁            What is Array

⦁            Real world problem ecommerce.

⦁            Real world problem transport

⦁            Space and the Complexity

⦁            Built in function Complexity

⦁            examples of Array

⦁            Objects, When to use it

⦁            Objects and Methods

⦁            Loops and Iteration

⦁            For Loop

⦁            Continue and Break Statement


ES6 JavaScript Course Syllabus


⦁            History of JavaScript

⦁            Features

⦁            let & const and its example

⦁            Arrow Functions

⦁            Alternative

⦁            Tips and Arrow Functions

⦁            Exports and Imports

⦁            Tips for exports and imports

⦁            Classes

⦁            Classes example

⦁            Inheritance

⦁            Spread and rest Parameter

⦁            Destructing


⦁            React JS Introduction

⦁            Advantages of React JS

⦁            Work flow of React JS

⦁            Scope of React JS




⦁            Introduction of Virtual DOM.

⦁            Difference between JS and JSX.

⦁            React Components overview

⦁            Containers and components

⦁            What is Child Components?

⦁            What is Namespaced components?

⦁            What are the JavaScript expressions available in JSX?




⦁            Node setup

⦁            How to use NPM?

⦁            How to create package.json and purpose of it?

⦁            ES6 Introduction and features.

⦁            Webpack Overview

⦁            Best IDE for React JS and How to write optimized code in React JS?

⦁            React JS browser plugins overview.


Real-time Practicals


⦁            NPM Installation by locally and Globally

⦁            Create a Basic App with React JS and other Supported NPM




⦁            Create a React component with JSX template.

⦁            How to create Nested Components?

⦁            What is React JS render?

⦁            React Props overview.

⦁            Introduction of Props validation with data types.

⦁            Flow of States, Initialize states and update states.


Real-time Practicals

⦁            Create a Small React Module

⦁            Use All the states in in the created Application.



⦁            Lists of Form components.

⦁            Setup Controlled and Uncontrolled form components.

⦁            Control Input elements.

⦁            How to set default values on all formats of Input elements.

⦁            React JS Form validations.

⦁            How to write Styles?

⦁            Animations overview


Real-time Practicals

⦁            Create a React Form.

⦁            Client-side form validation.

⦁            Applying form components.

⦁            Submit and Rest the form.




⦁            initial render

⦁            Props Change

⦁            Stage Change

⦁            Component willMount

⦁            Component didMount

⦁            Component Unmount


Real-time Practicals


⦁            Applying Different Lifecylces in the Application.

⦁            When to choose Appropriate lifecycles.




⦁            Single Page Application Overview.

⦁            How to configure React Router?

⦁            History of Router

⦁            How to Handle Conditional statement in JSX?

⦁            IIFE in JSX for complex logic overview.


Real-time Practicals

⦁            Create a Single Page Application.

⦁            Applying Routing.

⦁            Dynamically render the components based on the url.




⦁            onBlur, onKeyUp, onChange and other useful primary events in React JS.

⦁            How to Sharing events between the components?

Real-time Practicals


⦁            Communicate Data between components.

⦁            Applying all lists of events.




⦁            CSS and inline styles in React JS overview.

⦁            Introduction to styled components

⦁            Real-time Practicals

⦁            Styling the application using styled component

⦁            How to use Animations in the Application.



⦁            How to Load the router library?

⦁            Configure the React Router?

⦁            How to Pass and receive parameters?

⦁            Integration of React-cookie overview.



⦁            What are the necessary Tools required for Unit Testing?

⦁            React Unit Testing overview

⦁            Introduction to JEST.

⦁            How to Test React Component?

⦁            How to Test React Router?



⦁            Gulp & Browserify

⦁            React with jQuery

⦁            React & AJAX



⦁            https

⦁            httpster

⦁            npm



⦁            Understanding Hooks

⦁            The useState hook

⦁            Side effects using the useEffect hook

⦁            The useContext hook

       the usereducer hook

⦁            Writing your own hook



⦁            Code splitting & Suspense

⦁            Route Based Code Splitting

⦁            Lazy Loading



⦁            Server Side Rendering

⦁            SSR with React - Setup & Server

⦁            SSR with React - The Toolchain



⦁            Using Jest with Test Utils from React-DOM

⦁            Using Jest with the React Testing Library

⦁            Using Jest with Enzyme



01 intro to react native.

what it is, who is developing it, and why you should use it.

02 Getting Started with react native


setting up your development and testing enviroment


03 react native tools


 console + editor


04 js ES6 overview


the tricky bits from a native mobile divs perspective.


05 create your first react native app


 firing up the simulators on ios and android


 exploring project structure


06 Developing your ui with jsx


  adding controls to your ui


buttons & text labels.


Styling – in JavaScript


Interactive Design


Creating custom Components


Properties (props)


 Managing State


 Populating & Manipulating Lists


Using open source (NPM)


07 Going deeper with React Native


 Dynamic properties


 Dynamic styles


More on State and how it effects the rendering pipeline


Network requests




Storing data – Realm for React Native


Integrating with Map APIs


 Creating native React components


How to share code effectively between iOS & Android

Introduction to SQL

(What is SQL?, Purpose of SQL, Who should learn SQL?, What are the subsets of SQL?, Data Definition Language, Data Manipulation Language, Data Control Language, and SQL vs. NoSQL)

Introduction to Databases and RDMBS

(What is a Database?, Database Objects, Database Tables, Table Records, Types of Database Management Systems, Relational Database Management Systems, and SQL/Relational Databases vs. No SQL Databases)


Install a Database Engine

(Download MS SQL Server or Oracle or MySQL Database Engine, and Install. Launch SQL Server Management Studio, Select New Query, and launch SQL Query. Type SQL Commands and Execute.)


SQL Syntax

(Focus on SQL Syntax, SQL keywords, SQL is not case sensitive, SQL Comments, SQL Commands, and writing SQL Statements.)


SQL Data Types

(SQL Numeric data types, Date and Time data types, Character and String data types, Unicode character string data types, Binary data types, and Miscellaneous data types.)


SQL Operators

(SQL Arithmetic Operators, Comparison Operators, Logical Operators, and Bitwise Operators)


SQL Expressions

(SQL Boolean Expression, SQL Numeric Expression, and SQL Date Expression)


SQL Comments

(SQL Comments, Comments are used to explain sections of SQL statements, or to prevent the execution of SQL statements. Single-Line Comments, and Multi-line Comments)


SQL – Data Definition Language Commands and Operations.

(SQL Data Definition Language Commands, Create, Alter, Drop, Truncate, and Rename.


Data Definition Language Operations, create a Database, Use Database, rename a Database, Drop Database, create a Table, Rename Table, add a Column to exiting Table, add multiple columns to existing Table, modify an existing column, rename a Column, drop a Column,  truncate a Table, and Drop a Table.)


SQL – Data Manipulation Language Commands and Operations

(Data Manipulation Language Commands, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.


Data Manipulation Language Operations, retrieving data from a table, inserting data into a table, Updating existing data into a table, and Deleting all records from a table.)


SQL – Data Control Language Commands

DCL includes commands such as GRANT and REVOKE which mainly deal with the rights, permissions, and other controls of the database system.


DCL Operations

(Providing the users the access or privileges to the database objects, and Taking back or cancelling the privileges or permissions previously allowed or denied to the users.)


SQL Functions

SQL has many built-in functions for performing calculations on data. SQL Aggregate Functions, SQL String Functions, SQL Date Functions, and SQL Scalar functions.


SQL Queries and Sub Queries

A Query is used to traverse over some data that may be of small or large quantity to find the needed information.


A Subquery is a type of query which is written inside another query. A subquery becomes a part of a larger query. A subquery is also called INNER QUERY OR NESTED QUERY.


SQL Clauses

Clauses in SQL are similar to conditionals in high-level languages. We have a large variety in the SQL clauses like the Where clause, Union Clase, Order By clause, etc.


SQL Joins

The SQL Joins clause is used to combine records from two or more tables in a database. A JOIN is a means for combining fields from two tables by using values common to each.


SQL Views

Views in SQL are kind of virtual tables. A view also has rows and columns as they are in a real table in the database. We can create a view by selecting fields from one or more tables present in the database.


SQL Indexes

An index is a schema object. It is used by the server to speed up the retrieval of rows by using a pointer. It can reduce disk I/O(input/output) by using a rapid path access method to locate data quickly.


SQL Transactions

Transactions are units or sequences of work accomplished in a logical order, whether in a manual fashion by a user or automatically by some sort of database program.


SQL Injection

SQL injection, also known as SQLI, is a common attack vector that uses malicious SQL code for backend database manipulation to access information that was not intended to be displayed. This information may include any number of items, including sensitive company data, user lists, or private customer details.



There are a lot of databases used today in the industry. Some are SQL databases; some are NoSQL databases. The conventional database is an SQL database system that uses a tabular relational model to represent data and their relationship. The NoSQL database is the newer database that provides a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data other than the model of the tabular relations used in relational databases.


  • Why NoSQL
  • Difference Between RDBMS and NoSQL Databases
  • Benefits of NoSQL
  • Benefits of NoSQL
  • Types of NoSQL
  • Key-Value Database
  • Key-Value Database
  • Graph Database
  • CAP Theorem
  • Consistency
  • Availability
  • Partition Tolerance


Mongo DB as Per CAP

  • Operations in MongoDB
  • Data Modification in Mongo
  • Batch Insert in Mongo
  • Ordered Bulk Insert
  • Performing Ordered Bulk Insert
  • Performing Ordered Bulk Insert
  • Unordered Bulk Insert
  • Performing Un-ordered Bulk Insert
  • Performing an Insert Operation
  • Retrieving the documents
  • Specify Equality Condition
  • Retrieving Documents by Find Query
  • Specify AND or OR Conditions01:05
  • Retrieving Documents by Using FindOne, AND or OR
  • Array Exact Match
  • Array Projection Operators
  • Retrieving Documents for Array Fields
  • Dollar Where Query
  • Cursor
  • Retrieving Documents Using Cursor
  • Pagination
  • Advance query option
  • Update Operation
  • Updating Documents in Mongo
  • Updating Embedded Documents in Mongo
  • Updating Multiple Documents in MongoDB
  • Dollar inc modifier to increment and decrement
  • Dollar inc modifier to increment and decrement
  • Replacing Existing Document with New Document
  • Positional Array Modification
  • Adding Elements into Array Fields


Indexing and Aggregation

  • Introduction to Indexing
  • Types of Index
  • Properties of Index
  • Single Field Index
  • Compound Indexes
  • Index Prefixes
  • Sort Order
  • Ensure Indexes Fit RAM
  • Multi-Key Indexes
  • Compound Multi-Key Indexes
  • Hashed Indexes
  • TTL Indexes
  • Unique Indexes
  • Sparse Indexes
  • Demo-Create Compound, Sparse, and Unique Indexes
  • Text Indexes
  • Demo-Create Single Field and Text Index

01 Introduction to IOT


⦁            Understanding JoT fundamentals

⦁            TOT Archirecture and protocols

⦁            Valious Platfonns for IoT

⦁            Real time Examples of loT

⦁            Overview of loT components and JoT Communication Technologies

⦁            Challenges in IOT


02 Arduino Simulation Environment


⦁            Arduino Uno Architecture

⦁            Setup the IDE, Writing Arduino Software

⦁            Arduino Libraries

⦁            Basics of Embedded C prognunming for Al-duino

⦁            f11te1facing LED. push button and buzzer with Arduino

⦁            lmerfacing Arduino with LCD


03 Sensor & Actuators with Arduino


⦁            Overview of Sensors working

⦁            Analog and Digital Sensors

⦁            b1terfaci11g of Temperature. Humidity, Motion, Light and Gas Sensor wi Arduino

⦁            biterfacing of Actuat0rs witl1 Arduino.

⦁            Interfacing of Relay Switch and Servo Motor with Arduino


04 Basic Networki11g with ESP8266 WiFi module


⦁            Basics of Wireless Networking

⦁            Introduction to ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module

⦁            Various Wi-Fi library

⦁            Web server- introduction, instaJJation, configuration

⦁            Posting sensor(s) data lO web server


05 IoT Protocols

⦁            M2M vs.JOT

⦁            Communication Protocols


06 Ooud Platforms for JOT


⦁            Virtualization concepts and Cloud Architecture

⦁            Cloud computing, benefits

⦁            Cloud services •· Saas. PaaS. laaS

⦁            Cloud providers & offerings

⦁            Swdy of lOT Cloud platfonns

⦁            ToingSpeak API and MQrr

⦁            lnterfacing ESP8266 witl1 Web services

01) CCNA Routing and Switching

⦁            Exploring the network, configuring a network operating system.

⦁            Application layer, transport layer.

⦁            Network protocols and communications.

⦁            Network layer.

⦁            IP addressing, subnetting IP networks.

⦁            Network access.

⦁            Ethernet

⦁            Application layer, transport layer.

⦁            Network protocols and communications.

⦁            Network layer.

⦁            IP addressing, subnetting IP networks.

⦁            Network access.

⦁            Ethernet



02)  Networking Fundamentals 

⦁            To make students understand the role and function of various network components.

⦁            Explain characteristics of network technology architectures.

⦁            Compare cabling types with physical interface Compare UDP to TCP

⦁            Identify interface and cable issues

⦁            Configure and verify subnetting and 1Pv4 addressing

⦁            Configure and verify 1Pv6 prefix and addressing


03)  Network Access

⦁            Verify and config VLANs (normal range) spanning multiple switches

⦁            Verify and configure interswitch connectivity

⦁            Configure and verify Layer 2 discovery protocols (Cisco Discovery Protocol and LLDP)

⦁            Configure and verify (Layer 2/Layer 3) EtherChannel (LACP)

⦁            Describe the need for basic operations of Rapid PVST+ Spanning Tree Protocol and also identify basic operations

⦁            Draw comparison between Cisco Wireless Architectures and AP modes


04)  Routing and Switching0 Protocols

⦁            Ethernet

⦁            Network access

⦁            Subnetting IP networks and IP addressing

⦁            Network layer

⦁            Application layer, Transport layer

⦁            Communications and network protocols

⦁            Exploring the network and configuring a network operating system


05)  Wireless Access Point

⦁            learn to allow different networks to connect to wireless networks

⦁            Increase productivity while reducing infrastruture costs.


06 ) Internet Protocol (IP) Service

⦁            Network protocols

⦁            Socket programming

⦁            IP routing

⦁            User datagram protocol

⦁            Window protocol

⦁            Sliding window protocols



07 Automation and Programmability

⦁            Explain how automation affects network management

⦁            Draw comparison between traditional networks and control based networking

⦁            Describe controller- based and software defined architectures (overlay, underlay and fabric)

⦁            Describe characteristics of REST based APl's (CRUD, HTTP VERBS AND DATA ENCODING)

⦁            Differentiate traditional campus device management with CISCO DNA Center enabled device management.

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